Monday, May 11, 2009


So I watched the Dollhouse Season finale this weekend. Overall I would give the show a B+. It's not nearly as good, or developed as Buffy or Angel were. It also didn't match the quality in one season that Firefly managed to achieve. Which is precisely why it needs to be brought back. And luckily I'm not alone on that front.

The whole season was plagued by the fact that they didn't know if they would be renewed or not. This is a problem other shows--including the current paragon, Lost--has run into (remember the 3rd season episode of Lost with those two characters no one knew about? Yeah, that was filler). This means that the season moved at a breakneck speed, constantly bombarding you with the plot and twists and turns to get the story out, without letting it develop organically. As LC and I were discussing, the finale was neither a solid series finale, wrapping up all the unanswered questions, nor was it a good season finale leaving us with a killer cliffhanger.

But, the concept of the show is so good, so intriguing, so beautifully Whedon-esque. The actors are really pushing themselves and their characters to new places. It's not easy to play 10 different characters in one season of a show, yet that is what Eliza Dushku does. And do I need to talk about Alan Tudyk? Seriously--amazing.

So, why renew? Because Whedon and company deserve a chance to keep the story going, because it is good enough. And with a bit of support from the studio (FOX don't fuck this one up too) they could really start to explore this world they've pulled us into.


  1. I was really excited to see Alan Tudyk as Alpha. I hope they bring Dollhouse back, it is all I have for sci-fi right now!

  2. That above comment should have stated it was me. Blah!

  3. The whole season was great until the finale.
    The finales was obviously a rushed deal for political reasons and therefore the quality dropped precipitously. I hope they bring it back to give it the chance it had deserved in the first place.

  4. Additionally, I read the last two episodes had the lowest ratings for the whole series. Then again the last two weeks Wolverine and Star Trek opened. Coincidence? I think not.

    Plus who that watches this show doesn't know its on Hulu or owns a DVR?
