Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Live Blogging Something I'm Looking Forward To.

New Frontier for Goodmania. MT and I are going to live blog critique a video I found via Buzzfeed of a baby reacting to the “Where the Wild Things Are” Trailer I'm pretty psyched myself about this film, which is directed by Spike Jonez and has Catherine Keener, Mark Ruffalo in it, as well as James Gandolfini and Forest Whittaker lending voices.

Trailer Reaction from We Love You So on Vimeo.

00:05 Why does that baby have a bandaid? his parents beat him? Major head trauma?

00:34 That baby has a mullet! Why would his parents do that to him?

00:40 This movie is going to be so awesome.

00:57 That baby looks comatose. That shouldn't go in, it's not funny. MT was just stating a fact.

01:05 Are they riding Obama's coat tails?

We trailed off, cause we became a bit enthralled with the movie and the baby. Can't wait til October.

1 comment:

  1. Best live blog ever... I think you should make this a staple of the site. Do Cheerios commercials and used car dealerships (if there are any left...)
