Wednesday, May 20, 2009

On Torture

Well, it was bound to happen eventually. This blog is getting serious for a bit. I'm not sure what's crazier, the fact that people seem more concerned about whether the Speaker of the House knew about the torture (she probably did) or that it takes Jesse Ventura to explain why the hell it isn't something America should do.

Jesse Ventura body slams some woman from the view in a debate on torture.

What's worse is this from military attorney Yvonne Bradley who tells CNN her client, a suspected Al Qaeda member, received genital torture in a Moroccan CIA prison.

Bradley says she initially believed that her client was a "hardened terrorist," but now believes there was "no reliable evidence that [he] was going to do anything to the United States.

This is messed up beyond belief. What we did over the last eight years is going to go down as a shameful moment in our national history along with the internment of the Japanese in WWII, and other times where our moral compass went far astray.

My vote is in the truth committee Senator Leahy has been arguing for.

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