Wednesday, July 15, 2009

DC, too stupid for the vote? Bullshit.

As the Marion Barry scandals continue, we will undoubtedly hear more about how this is why DC doesn't deserve voting rights. Clearly, the people of the District of Columbia are not ready for democracy, because they keep electing Marion Barry.

Let's follow this line of thinking and identify others who do not deserve voting rights simply because we don't approve of who they elect, or they elect people who have tainted reputations.

Elected Rod Blagojevich governor in 2002 and 2006 (later indicted for corruption)
Elected George Ryan governor in 1998
Elected Dan Rostenkowski to Congress, 1959-1995
Elected Richard J. Daley mayor from 1955-1976 and Richard M. Daley from 1989-Present
Elected Dan Walker governor from 1973-1977
Elected Otto Kerner governor from 1961-1968

Elected Ted Stevens to the U.S. Senate from 1968-2009
Elected Sarah Palin governor from 2006-Present
Elected Frank Murkowski to U.S. Senate and governor 1981-2006

The State of Ohio
Elected Jim Traficant to Congress, 1985-2002
Elected Buz Lukens to two terms in Congress

The State of Florida
Elected Katherine Harris as Secretary of State and to Congress, 1999-2007
Elected Mark Foley to Congress, 1995-2006

The City of Detroit, Michigan
Elected Kwame Kilpatrick, 2002-2008

The State of Idaho
Elected Larry Craig to the House and then Senate, 1981-2009

The State of Pennsylvania
Elected Joseph P. Kolter to Congress, 1969-1993

The State of Minnesota
Elected David Druenberger to the Senate, 1978-1995

The State of California
Elected Randy "Duke" Cunningham to Congress, 1991-2005

From the Jack Abramoff Scandal, the State of Texas (Ohio and Pennsylvania also included)

From the Keating Five, the States of Arizona and Michigan (and Ohio, again)

From Abscam, the States of New Jersey and South Carolina (Pennsylvania and Florida included)

The State of South Carolina, again, for electing Mark Sanford

The State of Nevada
Elected John Ensign to the House and Senate, 1995-Present

The United States of America
Elected George W. Bush president, 2001-2009.

Democracy isn't something 'earned' by passing a test of electing 'good' people. The right to self-governance isn't something that is bestowed upon us by a benevolent Congress. The right to govern ourselves, and either fail miserably or do a decent job, is inherent. If it wasn't we should all lose our right to vote because collectively, we've all made some pretty bad choices.

Here, Here.

1 comment:

  1. Rhode Island was strangely absent from this list (Mayor Buddy Cianci).
